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Back to School Tips and Tricks!

Summer is officially ending and students are either fully back to school or heading back this week. Along with that comes weekly schedules, setting alarms and extracurricular activities. Just getting everyone up and out of the house on time is an accomplishment in September! Here are just a few tips and tricks to make things a little easier from a former teacher's point of view!

  1. Get into a routine for before and after school. Do this however works best for your family, but try to practice it before school starts so everyone knows what to expect. Little ones thrive on routine and knowing what's coming up. You can even find ways to get your kids involved in making their own choices about lunches, snacks, and getting ready for the day.

  2. Communicate with your child's teacher. Hopefully teachers or schools have sent out some sort of communication by now... but if you still have questions make sure you reach out! This goes for letting them know about anything you need them to know about your child before school starts. This really helps set everyone up for success from the start.

  3. Look out for beginning of the year paperwork. Typically the first few days of school comes with lots of paperwork! Our schools in the past used to do this by sending papers to be filled out home with students in folders. Other schools may send them digitally.

  4. Have patience! Remember that everyone is getting back into the swing of things- parents, kids, teachers, bus drivers, school staff, etc. Have patience with yourself and everyone else as the new school year begins. It is such an exciting time but can be stressful and busy as we all know! Just remember that it'll take some time but in a few weeks everyone will be in a routine.

Here are some more resources for preparing for back to school:

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